Laboratory Services

Microbiology Laboratory provides the diagnostic service to human infections and immune diseases

Hematology deals with study of blood & blood components

Histopathology is the microscopic study of architecture of body tissues. look into the micro structure body tissues

Clinical Biochemistry lab works 24×7 and is equipped with state-of-the-art Auto-analyzers that are interfaced with the Hospital Information System
Imaging services

Other services

Specialized Services
Dedicated department performing X-rays, CT scans, MRI, Ultrasound, Doppler ultrasounds, Digital substraction angiography procedures, interventional radiology procedures 24/7

- Diagnostic Service provided in Bacteriology, Parasitology, Serology and Mycology with accuracy and short Turn Around Time (TAT).
- Rapid TB diagnosis by automated nucleic acid detection test (TrueNAT).
- National Accreditation Board of Laboratories (NABL) accredited modernized Molecular Diagnostic Centre (MDC) for Viruses.
- Latest diagnostic tests for fungal and immune diseases.
- Automated system for identification of Blood stream infections and screening of stool for parasites.

- Lab primarily handles blood and bone marrow samples
- Some common parameters tested are Complete blood cell counts (CBC)/ Complete hemogram, Peripheral blood smear, ESR, Coagulation parameters including D dimer), Bone marrow Aspiration study, tests for detection of Malaria, Microfilaria etc.

Clinical pathology
- Trained technicians and Pathologists available 24x7 to perform tests, analyse, and report
- Conducts Urine Analysis, Semen Analysis, Cell counts for body fluids, CSF, Urine pregnancy tests (UPT), Stool for Occult blood, etc.

Cytological analysis of various specimens done including:
- The “Pap test” or Pap smear- early detection of cancer of the uterine cervix.
- Fine Needle Aspiration cytology (FNAC), Pleural fluid, Ascitic fluid cytology.
- Urine cytology, Bronchial wash, Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL), Cell block preparation

Intra-Operative Diagnosis - Frozen Section Reporting:
- Histological Analysis and reporting on unfixed, fresh tissue within a very short period of time is also done intra-operatively in certain disease conditions
- The reports aid in further course of the surgery and management of the patient
- Enabled using a special instrument to freeze fresh tissue
Immunohistochemistry (IHC):
- Prognostic and predictive information in Carcinoma Breast (ER, PR, Her-2 neu, Ki-67)
- Diagnosis of poorly differentiated malignancies
- Evaluation of origin (primary site) in metastatic cancers
- Diagnosis aiding in targeted therapeutic approaches (e.g., chemotherapy vs hormone therapy)
- Subtyping of certain malignancies, confirmation of rare or new entities

- VL Scopy
- OTO Endoscopy
- OTO Microscopy
- Fiberopticnasopharyngoscopy
- Stroboscopy

Pulmonary Function test
- Diagnostic Fibreoptic Bronchoscopy
- Diagnostic Thoracoscopy for Pleural diseases
- Sputum for Mycobacterial diagnosis (AFB smear and Truenat)
- Overnight sleep study and pressure titration study for diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea and sleep disordered breathing
- Pulmonary function testing for measuring lung volumes and flow rates

Immunohematology Laboratory
- Equipped with gel card technology which helps resolve complex Immunohematological discrepancies

Infectious disease screening Laboratory
- Fully automated, 4th generation Chemiluminscence Assay (Vitros) detects the virus during window period and increases the safety of blood transfusion for screening HIV 1 & 2, HBsAg, HCV, aHBC in donors